Based on a novella by acclaimed writer Catherine Lim, the story is about Li-Ann, a young Singaporean girl who meets her 'special someone' on 29 February. She decides to base her intuition on an Irish leap year tradition that no man will refuse any request of a lady and invites him out for a date. Together, they embark on a romantic journey that spans over 12 years, meeting only thrice in 12 years, on the leap year.
touching movie, din have high hope of this movie due to is a singapore movie. overall rate i give also wouldt very high, maybe abt 3.5/5 as there part bored and is a too repeated of the leap year most important is there no change in outlook of the cast in every leap. it look fake this way.=X
that all i posting for today, lazy and bored to dunno wat to post abt. haha anyway hardly got ppl will come here read therefore is aright.=X friend who never watch this movie, free to go watch tot i am nt found inside the