Date Picture Taken: 01/08/08 ; 11:49pm

Date Picture Taken: 01/08/08 ; 11:49pm

Date Picture Taken: 05/09/08 ; 12:56pm

Date Picture Taken: 17/09/08 ; 02:33pm

just some picture i find is nice and take it down. a smile face donut's, is cute right thanks to Ivy and Tony for getting it while i am working, it bright up my day. =)
the other 2nd and 3rd pic is taken while i went play pool with my colleague at east coast. there sell the mini pool ball and the water fall look so uni. haha.
4th pic you guys must be thinking i take apple for what right..no lah, this pic cant see the different. as the apple i take is very small in size, is half a cup heigh loh. maybe i like mini stuffs so to me this apple is really cute..
5th pic is a gift from my japan de da ge da. lol, he is work in japan and when we have any problem do not know how to solve he will be the one who solving it. i can only say he is the one who mostly solve our problem, but ah hard to talk to him in email or face to face. his english and the way of understanding is abit.... lol but my english not good also maybe that why make it even hard to communicate bah. so he buy bubble gam for sp office lah, not thing much only that when he around office no big thing hapen but when he back to japan den all the problem come out.diao loh.=.='''
Date Picture Taken: 03/08/08 ; 09:26am

i forget is a holiday trip or i take leave to go for this sentosa trip with my friend, did not take much pic guess i lazy or i forget to bring camera again bah. love the beach, the wind is cold the view is nice. too bad i not rich if not how i wish i am able to buy a house and live by the beach.lol.
2nd thing i found there is inside sentosa there is alot Peacock, this group is found near the underwater world. got 1 litter boy go run after them too bad i did not able to take that down.
Date Picture Taken: 01/10/08 ; 10:00am

another sentosa trip with different group of friends.lol. i think i can 代言 for sentosa liao, keep going there. i think for this year i have went there for 3-4 time, but i spent the most with this group of friend. for a life time i finally sit on the cable car. seriouly is notthing fun to see the cable car, maybe due to we go at night time so cant really see the heigh and the view of building. i think of our all the package we go, most fun to me is the underwater world. i wanted to go there when i was a kid and alway see from the tv how nice the view is like. i expectat it will be very big and romantic place, but haha sg is just a red small dot lah. so my dream de underwater world seem is a small place. haha still i happy to see alot of fish, insert and etc..
Date Picture Taken: 02/10/08 ; 10:00am

this is not a holiday ah, but is a off day for me. bcos my idiot company eat our leave days. lol. nvm lah, this a great time for me to relax and enjoy. so i jio my colleague to go JB lah, as i hardly go out of SG, so old till now still nv take fight b4 leh. so getting out of sg tot just going JB is sme thing very fun for me. we went there abt 11-12pm bah, shop and buy alot of show but non is apple show.lol. den we also shop for baby wearing, bcos my colleague de bf de dunno who is gving birth.lol. baby clothes is so cute and nice loh. got alot kind de but we dare not buy alot, as she not confirm is a baby boy or gals that time.haha. we went eat and do this foot treatment, which let the fish to eat our foot 死皮. i tell you, if u are very scare of itch u can forget about trying it. i 1st put in my leg itch till less den 5sec i faster lift it up. if you ask me go try again i think i will say forget it as i really cant take the itch while the fish is bitting my foot.lol. like that spent our full day, den we went Secret Recipes to take our dinner as both me and my friend nv try b4. over all the food there not very nice, maybe the cake there are nice not the meal..haha.. we did not take group pic bcos all shy see my colleague die die also dun let me take her pretty face..lol..
Date Picture Taken: 10/10/08 ; 07:49pm

food, i am hungry right now but i am still posting food pic..*faint* anyway this above is NYDC de shop at heeren lvl 5.my friend jio me go eat this becos she got discount, and i never try before so went with her lah. 1st time try, the food i order i am happy with it, i am drinking
lemon shiver(just a lemon taste with ice ball) and eat oven-baked specialties which i forget what the name of it, bcos is a new dish. anyway for my dish still not that bad, but for my friend dish is kind of plaint, or maybe is far too dry for me.lol.but the price there is not cheap so think i hardly will go there eat again.lol. the drink and dish add up is $20 liao.pocket 1 big hole.lol.
Date Picture Taken: 14/10/08 ; 08:00pm

last part liao..think your read till sian bah..sry ah, today dun post all i dunno will wait till when haha.k let me finish my last part story 1st. the above is the art work i do orh, nice? so long never do, when my god sis ask me to help her do sme art work for her drama to use i am kind of worry. as i not not a creative person, i do not have lot of idea so the above work sme is becos my friend got do this for me b4 if not i also dunno how to help my jie. so ytd we met up at P.S buy most of the items from there lah, wash sme pic den find a place to eat and start doing the book for my jie. den her boss(dao yan) also given her sme layout, so i take sme time to think and find the word to be use on the book, chinese words are most hard to find. so we mix of chinese and eng lah, if not will be kind of plaint loh.now is waiting for her to use it to for the shot liao, den will cast on the tv. my 2nd art work been use on tv orh, very 1st de is a big box used on xin hua dou dou kai. only less den 5sec. haha but still kind of happy to see own hard work really be show on the tv. as for when this will be showing on tv when the show on air i will blog again?! or the most print screen for your see lah..haha..
ok read so much you must be tired, but still got 1 big new for you all orh. my jie ask me help her to promo her da jie blog shop. so no choice lah got to post it out here even my blog also dun really have ppl read de leh. haha.please feel free to view and support got lot of nice items, tot is not cheap..lol..