i was off on 21st may, so went dated jun and her bf along to go walk the HSBC TREE TOP walk again. went it with my colleague before so thinking of go there again. i met them more early den met my colleague but the time we took finish de walk are more longer then my colleague, because i lean the wrong way. so sorry to make them walk extra road, but we will lucky to have 2 nice guy help us to get us out of there in fast way if not dunno how long we still have to walk and stay there.=x

by the time we walk to a club to call taxi, me is too hungry and tired, so thinking of order some cake to eat 1st, who know that kind of high class club only sell foods to member. faint, but the guy was nice to sell me the cake, or maybe he lazy put back the cake?! =x but when the time i wanna take a bite that cab came, so go down to toa payoh to have the cake at macdonal. not very happy with macdonal manager, she see us eat cake den tell us no outside food, where by there is a group of ppl is sititng with outside drink loh. also din see her go complain.
anyway i went to facial again to burn my oil spot, still the same painfull and urgy, then went watch movie with jun and her bf, as my pei wen go sing k-song with her other friend. so the time just pass so fast till my one day off end with the movie and all go home to rest.
ps:mood better but dunno can face the person when he back in singapore mah, dunno can i face him with happy face asking how is his trip and date. haiz..lol.anyway now still moody, month end coming which mean problem is coming after me. =(