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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Toko Outing...

22nd October about 7pm+ at Esplanade, had ThaiExpress for dinner.
- celebrate colleague birthday.
-farewell dinner for colleague.
-met up ex-colleague.
-pass birthday gift.
-photos taking.
-chit chat till late night.
-go home sweet home..

♥ Blogged @
10/29/2009 03:53:00 PM

Friday, October 16, 2009

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde

Being yourself is celebrating you, as an individual - learning to express yourself and be happy with who you are. For some people, it's learning to love yourself, for others, it's not hiding who you are or changing things about you to fit in. So read on to know how to express the inner you.

1. Find yourself. You can't be yourself if you don't know, understand, and accept yourself first. It should be your primary goal to find this out. Try to take time to yourself and contemplate your life and choices. Try to think about what kind of things you would or wouldn't like to do, and act accordingly; finding out through trial and error helps more than you might think it does. You can even take personality tests, but be careful to only take what you want from them and not let them define you. Work on accepting mistakes and choices you've made; they're done and in the past, so there is no use crying over spilled milk.
2. Stop caring about how people perceive you. The fact is, it really doesn't matter. It's impossible to be yourself when you're caught up in wondering "Do they think I'm funny? Does she think I'm fat? Do they think I'm stupid?" To be yourself, you've got to let go of these concerns and just let your behavior flow, with only your consideration of others as a filter — not their consideration of you. Besides, if you change yourself for one person or group, another person or group may not like you, and you could go around in a vicious cycle trying to please people; it's totally pointless in the end, and it leaves you exhausted. However, if someone you trust and respect critiques aspects of who you are, feel free to judge (honestly) whether or not it is accurate instead of accepting or dismissing the critique unconditionally.
3. Be honest and open. What have you got to hide? We're all imperfect, growing, learning human beings. If you feel ashamed or insecure about any aspect of yourself — and you feel that you have to hide those parts of you, whether physically or emotionally — then you have to come to terms with that and learn to convert your so-called flaws into individualistic quirks. Be honest with yourself, but don't beat yourself up; apply this philosophy to others, as well. There is a difference between being critical and being honest; learn to watch the way you say things to yourself and others when being honest.
4.Relax. Stop worrying about the worst that could happen, especially in social situations. So what if you fall flat on your face? Or get spinach stuck in your teeth? Learn to laugh at yourself both when it happens and afterwards. Turn it into a funny story that you can share with others. It lets them know that you're not perfect and makes you feel more at ease, too. It's also an attractive quality for someone to be able to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously!
5. Develop and express your individuality. Whether it's your sense of style, or even your manner of speaking, if your preferred way of doing something strays from the mainstream, then be proud of it... unless it's destructive to yourself or others. Be a character, not a type.
6. Have a productive day. Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and that some days, you're the statue. People might raise eyebrows and even make fun, but as long as you can shrug and say "Hey, that's just me" and leave it at that, people will ultimately respect you for it, and you'll respect yourself.
7. Believe in who you are. If you're always working to be someone you're not, you'll never be a happy person. Be yourself and show the world you're proud of the way you are! Nobody knows you better than you and that's how it should be. You deserve to be your own best friend, so start trying to figure out how you can do that. If you had to hang out with yourself for a day, what is the most fun type of person you could be, while still being yourself? What is the best version of you? Believe in this idea and use that as your starting point.
8. Follow your own style. The common thing a lot of people do is copy other's actions because it seems like the better route to fit in, but really, shouldn't you stand out? Standing out yes, is very hard, but you need to try avoid assuming other people's perspectives of you. Maybe you like to sit outside on the deck under a umbrella in the middle of the rain, maybe you have different ideas of things, rather than other people, maybe you like strawberry cake instead of the common chocolate cake, whatever you are, accept it. Being different is absolutely beautiful and it attracts people to you.

♥ Blogged @
10/16/2009 09:17:00 AM

Monday, October 12, 2009

i am in a colorful person inside black and white world or i am the black and white person in a colorful world?

i think is the 2nd type, because i lost my color when they left me behind. everyone know how to say dao li, even myself know but who can really do it? i am hurt not because of their straight forward advice but i am sad because it feeling pain. that is been nice is it stupid? i lost myself, dunno why, compare to last time now i just hard to be the planner , to think of places to go, what to eat, and etc.. who are those people who changed me, are those who i am close with and for those few who left me. i no longer myself, i become timid, now just trying to hold all kind of thing just to get a abit of care and love out of it. i am just like flooding in a sea now, trying hard to get any thing to hold to keep myself alive. but then what i am doing, other may see it as stupid, for why been to nice to other, for why always kana bully, for why dun wan speak up? all kind of why, which i dunno how to answer at that point of time. i also dun want to know why, till yesterday i finally understand because there people who hit my head to wake up who i dunno. but am i going to change or not, that will be another question. should say my heart is empty or my heart is death, that cause me now locking myself in my own world.

so slowly i lost my own thinking, no idea of planing, no idea of living, no aim for my life. just want to hold on whatever happiness i am having now, which one of the days could be gone. staying at the same place, not moving forward at all or should say i am even start to move backward. my mask is going to drop off, which i scare one of the days i may go mad, when one of the day i maybe became enemy of my friends.

♥ Blogged @
10/12/2009 11:48:00 AM

Thursday, October 08, 2009

hi guy, long time never blog after the problem with my colleague..anyway now is over tot we din back to good friend any more..ok la..this few month been busy over my eunos house, u must be thinking i been take about it for so long still not yet finish ah..lol..ya loh..myself pain house took dunno how long, really got to thanks ym dad for help to pain my house kitchen and living, he really do a fast job. morning around 8/9am reach and was paining half done of my kitchen. then i reach liao cant help much, so eat my breakfast and he pain finish it, take a rest and get ready to start pain the living room. compare to me, i just try to pain my own small room take about 1days to finish it.. and the other room with the help or yuehe and her sis den i finish de other room.

anyway now the paining part of my house is done, waiting to change door lock, remove of the thing and install air-con den is fully done...yeah~ then that idiot when come in not my problem, as i wan is do till my house look nice nice and i happy with it. just that doing all the work alone is damn tiring. this week still got to go back do some clear up of the pain that was drop on floor, who ask that paining drop i lazy to clear up so now is more hard to clear liao.

as for the pass few week, i also never go out lah. reason number one i took out my wisdom tooth. is abit omg, maybe due to the medicine make me feel sleepy and i can not eat well also. not because is painful but no appetite loh. but i din lose weight, argh why? but on those days i on MC i went for KTV with my cousin, damn hard to sing. dun think i was singing, and is used alot of energy end up i feel hungry after the singing and need to go get dinner. the 2nd round went to sing with aiyun, i also cant sing well due to my ulcer. haha waste my money going but better then staying at home rot la. other then that also noting much, got go out with jun or go her house, see her project i 1 head 2 big. really is damn alot of drawing, then my drawing not good cant help her at all.=( go out with ph for a movie, hmm think we not close like last time because i got noting much to chat with him now. oops, even go out also just for a movie then go home after the movie. haha then yh side, got met up with them and together with ph for a dinner. i was abit tired that time and got a new hp, end up i keep playing my hp game then entertaining them. as i not a shopping type, those gal always go in shop and see this and that which i only follow loh.

oh ya talk about HP, i just get myself W705 new HP at IT fair. finally get myself a new hp after 3year ago i lost my hp that i just brought for 1month. after that is jun give me the hp birthday gift, is nice but cant online. haha i was still thinking do i really need to change or not, as my old k530 is nice to use maybe i used to it liao. but happen went chalet that day, while waiting for other to come open door for me, i stay at mac alone doing noting. the feeling is damn bored la. so i just let my mind go and get myself a hp with wifi, but this hp really not as good as k530. camera is slow while taking photo, the ring tone, song, alarm not lough enough for me.. so i now using k530 as alarm at home loh. haha. think that all for my boring life, need to change abit. thinking should i go take advanced diploma, but i really dun like study some more IT i also not really good. other part i will be going to learn driving soon, since i pass my basic at nyp untill now i din touch on it any more. see how it go la.. that all for the time been, update your again. =)

♥ Blogged @
10/08/2009 09:21:00 AM